1965 race mustang i wonder what it went for?

saleen 192

Core Member
1965 Ford Mustang Race Car | eBay

looks the bussiness
just looked at website unsold but there is some nice car'a that sold on the day
Barons Auctioneer
Does look nice. If I had that sort of money I'd have something else though. Looks like it should go well.
Ok then with 70k in your back pocket (don't tell sarah) what would you go for then?
I'd like a nice 65 or 66 GTO, and with the change build a garage with aircon/heating for it.
70k is the limit,
dodge 73 roadrunner dare i say chevy as well ? to add to my collection and mybe as well a 69 mustang might have to move again if i had all this lot lol,
70k is the limit,
dodge 73 roadrunner dare i say chevy as well ? to add to my collection and mybe as well a 69 mustang might have to move again if i had all this lot lol,
Do you have room to build another garage?
Do you have room to build another garage?

with the 1/4 ache of land that came with the property i think i could build a few garages :thumb:
with the 1/4 ache of land that came with the property i think i could build a few garages :thumb:

Showoff. :p

I know you like yours fords and Pontiac's, well this ford owner had a good idea.
Hell cat and have change!!!! For tyres and fuel!