A great use of technology


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The flying defibrillator drone created by Dutch TU Delft student Alec Momont flies at 100kph for a response time of just 1 minute. Theoretically increasing the chance of survival from 8 percent to 80 percent. The drone tracks emergency mobile calls and uses the GPS to navigate. Once at the scene, an operator, like a paramedic, can watch, talk and instruct those helping the victim by using an on-board camera connected to a control room via a livestream webcam.


I think this is fab.
Some yobs will though things at them to take em down.
Great idea though. Certainly with camera recording would be a splendid idea. The whole think is a very good idea indeed. Even delivering insulin to diabetics in an emergency.
The first time a yob brings down a medi-drone and the intended patient dies because of it, they could find themselves on a manslaughter charge. Only need to make an example of one of them!!
The first time a yob brings down a medi-drone and the intended patient dies because of it, they could find themselves on a manslaughter charge. Only need to make an example of one of them!!
Sounds great to me.

You know the new Volvo cars, that automatically apply brakes when people walk in front of them. I think its only a matter of time before kids/yobs know cars will stop when crossing the road as the driver has no control of it, then get intimidated by the yobs. Advancing technology is great for safety but often it has a negative effect on something else.

Think we just need to eliminate yobs, and the world will be a better place.
Wow what a fantastic idea (the drone idea and the getting rid of yob idea lol)
Simple fit guns on the drones no yobs lol mind you that's wot the yanks are trying out in afghan not working to well for them perhaps not then oh well back to the drawing board lol
I thought it was working extremely well in Afghanstan, that's why the extremists are kicking up a stink about their use!!