Just done a speed check on my internet, this is working on WiFi. So can get a little more working on cable.
So over 200Mbps, we get 16Mbps at work tops.
Although the right had side advert has gone wrong probably doesn't know how to interoperate the figures, lol. The left hand side advert thinks I'm 60% below the UK average internet speed. Make's you laugh dosnt it. People click on these ad's and get suckered in. Proven by having one of the fastest, I'm certainly not below average.
Why have such fast internet.... humm ,well why not. I have a car just under 500hp, can't use its like that all the time, its just nice to know its there.
So over 200Mbps, we get 16Mbps at work tops.
Although the right had side advert has gone wrong probably doesn't know how to interoperate the figures, lol. The left hand side advert thinks I'm 60% below the UK average internet speed. Make's you laugh dosnt it. People click on these ad's and get suckered in. Proven by having one of the fastest, I'm certainly not below average.
Why have such fast internet.... humm ,well why not. I have a car just under 500hp, can't use its like that all the time, its just nice to know its there.
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