April fool Pranks


Forum Admin
Staff member
Well its only a couple of months away. This thread will give you some ideas, and with it being posted soo early you get more time to plan your pranks.

Plant a grass garden in your coworker’s keyboard


Install an airhorn as a door wall protector

Turn their windshield wipers into a rainbow paintbrush

413.jpg512.jpgOffer them some water in an original way

Pull the zip-tie, throw it, and run!

Give them an office technology upgrade

Create an infinite loop of shopping trolleys around their car


Become a seat and watch people’s reactions
This is on a recent car advert, its it a Toyota Aygo or something?1011.jpg
[h=4]Paint soap with clear nail polish and leave it in the shower[/h]1117.jpg
[h=4]Infest their office with (fake) rats[/h]room-full-of-fake-rats.jpg

[h=4]Attach an airhorn to their seat[/h]air-horn-seat.jpg
Soo tempted to do with to a guy at work, it could take him a while to work out sitting on the seat makes the sound, he will think the sound is coming from outside.
[h=4]Make their worst nightmare a grim reality[/h]april-fool-run-out-of-loo-roll.jpg

[h=4]Ruin the flavour of every Pringles piece like this little girl did:[/h]pringle-licking.jpg

[h=4]Give their hands some surprise lubrication[/h]hand-lubrication.jpg

[h=4]Tell someone he’s self-absorbed[/h]self-absorbed.jpg

[h=4]Make their Oreos taste minty fresh (make sure the toothpaste is edible)[/h]oreo-toothpaste-mint.jpg

[h=4]Make sure they read the morning newspaper[/h]read-the-morning-newspaper.jpg

[h=4]Throw them a surprise balloon party[/h]office-full-of-balloons.jpg

[h=4]Give their car a bright new paint job (with sticky notes)[/h]car-covered-in-sticky-notes.jpg

[h=4]Introduce them to mayonnaise-filled donuts[/h]hellmans-filled-donuts.jpg

[h=4]Leave them a big, soggy brown present[/h]soggy-brown-present-looks-like-poo.jpg

[h=4]Dip cotton balls in water and leave them to freeze overnight[/h]dip-cotton-wool-balls-in-water-to-freeze-overnight.jpg

[h=4]Delight their taste buds with caramel onions[/h]caramel-onions.jpg

[h=4]Make sure their car is nice and safe with packing cling wrap[/h]car-wrapped-in-cling-film.jpg

[h=4]Offer them a cup of water (or two or several thousand)[/h]many-cups-of-water.jpg

[h=4]Serve them some delicious Jelly right at (and on and in) their work deskkeyboard-and-mouse-set-in-jelly.jpgstapler-set-in-jelly.jpg[/h]
I'm sure there are many more ideas. :p Happy pranking.
I like the cardboard tube/poop idea.
Reminds me of something a mate and I did years ago, but I'm not prepared to share here!
Ha ha ha. Love them!!!!

Not an April Fools joke but I remember my mark 1 fiesta being shrink wrapped c/o my work colleagues at the time a couple of days before we got married. Actually ruined the paintwork in places and took me ages to get it off! They also put hole punch paper in the vents and as it was March when I put the blowers on - whoosh!!!
These are hilarious!!!!

If I only I'd thought of these when I was younger.....to be honest, I probably wound me mother up enough without knowing these.

The cardboard tube from the loo roll........I WILL be trying that one!! Hahaha!