CanAm Lazy Sunday 2nd June 2013

That's great Neo. See ya there.
I am gunna need ONE BIG COFFEE ;)
Not a bad turn out from the renegades today....sun was beaming, dead hot and lots of cars and bikes to oggle over!

Sorry again for Dan and me having to shoot off early but I hope you guys are having a cracking afternoon!! xx
Yes , a fantastic day , great show , not sure why so few renegade cars turned up ?????.:roll:
Can Am Lazy Sunday 2013 Slideshow by saleen192 | Photobucket

yes was about to leave and found a love note on my windscreen ( lol :becky: ) and had to stay to the end and won a very nice trophey ,And ?25 in rockauto vouchers

Even with a blinding headache all day was a very good show
Apart from the 2.5 hour drive home due to grid lock on the A31 heading towards M27
Yes suprised the usaul suspects were not there from the solent renagades but we did have some part timers lol.
Big thank you to event organisers
Nice one Darren!!! I bet you're well chuffed with your win :thumb:
Congratulations, Darren. The traffic on the A31 was maddening :| But it was nice when I was able to stop next to a show-goer and had a chat ;)

Would have been nice to see some more of the Renegades, you guys missed some stellar stuff! That Pontiac Catalina stole it for me....and a few other lovely goodies.

Good to see ya Dan & Sarah. Its a good thing ya guys did leave when ya did, or ya would have BAKED in that traffic.

Great show guys! I should share my fantastically FIRE ENGINE RED reverse-racoon tan ;)
Great show guys! I should share my fantastically FIRE ENGINE RED reverse-racoon tan ;)
We need photos. :)

A great morning out. Glad we went along, a looking forward to the next one. Got all that free cleaning stuff for the car too. I will have to get Sarah to show me how to put it on the car ;)
lol, I see what you mean about the Racoon. Should have put on some of Mikes sunblock, could have created some extra lines. :)

Thanks for posting photos in the album, they look great.
Hey. Next time I should do some polka-dots with some sunblock! forehead is big enough to put the Renegade's logo on it ;)
was this your car at this event ?