Cutting back on users


Forum Admin
Staff member
Going back though the list of users that have signed up to the forum, there are 66 people who havn't signed in for the last year. Some of these do include a couple of club members. I've sent out emails to all 66 users asking them to log in to keep their account active. Some people may not have logged in because they and forgotten the password, there is a link in the email for this.

Not that we really need to cut back on users, as we have enough space on the forum, but just wanting to do a bit of housekeeping... in a few months time I will do it again, emailing people who havn't signed in for over a year.
You must be clearing out quite a few of these 'New' members fairly regular as well. There were a couple of scammers on the Can-Am site a while back, took an e-mail from me to one of their Mods to get them removed. They don't look after their site as well as you do this one.

Well done Dan, keep up the good work.

PS: Loading up quite fast now, even on my old steam powered PC. I've got a new one now but not on the internet yet.
Thanks for the compliments Chris. :yo:

We used to have about ten people per day signing up, but the added filtering stopped a lot of it, now it may be one a day. Some of these its hard to tell if they are real people, I have to click to allow them to complete the sign up process. Once they are completely signed up I just keep an eye on them ready to click the delete button, not had to do this yet since the new filtering has been put in place.

The Can-Am forum doesn't appear to be as active, when I spoke to Denise and Keith they said the do most of the organising via Facebook these days, that could be why it took a while before someone noticed the spam.

Glad all is appearing whizzy. Looks like I finally cracked the speed issues, seems a lot quicker here too.
The Can-Am forum doesn't appear to be as active, when I spoke to Denise and Keith they said the do most of the organising via Facebook these days, that could be why it took a while before someone noticed the spam.

Thats all well and good but for those of us who don't use facebook (And have no intention to) it is important to keep other means of communication open.
""Thats all well and good but for those of us who don't use facebook (And have no intention to) it is important to keep other means of communication open.""

Total agree.

Ref speed issues's mine is slow sometimes and dosn't always display the icon's to use in reply messages