
Yep gotta be the biggest data miner on the planet.
People still like to live on it and tell all the potential burgulars when they are going on holiday.
ISP's should block Faceache, put and end to it all.
I know it sounds unkind but I can't say I'm particularly sympathetic... and I am even more happy not to be on there now of course..not that it would serve any purpose for me.
Facebook as a concept is potentially useful, but the way people use it, become narcissistically addicted to it and because of the way crimminals of all types use and abuse it, I think generally it does more harm than good.
Facebook as a concept is potentially useful, but the way people use it, become narcissistically addicted to it and because of the way crimminals of all types use and abuse it, I think generally it does more harm than good.

Well said. I agree about the narcissist ethos it feeds too - ridiculous.
Okay so how can we take down Facebook!?....
Okay so how can we take down Facebook!?....

It will do itself. Once the data breach starts affecting people those affected will drop it and others will follow. Right now it’s fun, feeds peoples narcissistic side and because it feeds those two needs people use it. But everyone has a defence mechanism and it will kick in once they realise how exposed theta are. Having said that, people smoke and do drugs even though they know the risks, so perhaps I’m too generous towards people’s self preservation instinct!!
Take down Facebook....
What a thought! Wouldn't that be something! Haha. As well as the crime implications already mentioned, imagine how many friendships and marriages it would save right there. Yep, I'm sure it has it's part to play in such things. We all must have oveheard the occasional "did you see what she put on Facebook?!" Unfortunately, what used to be said behind closed doors no longer is for some people.

Maybe tell the Ruskies people use it for spying, they will sort it for us haha.

But as you say, people must be aware of the risks yet still do it. My mate who was burgled while he was on holiday is still on there apparently. And I have been to a couple of Police conducted seminars at my son's school warning parents of the risks of social media. But the general feeling among the parents seemed to be "I'll be more careful", rather than "lets stop using it". Unfortunately, people plaster everything they do on there in the mistaken belief that only their "friends" can see it. Yeah, right!
And I do speak from experience. I did have an account several years ago as a way to keep in touch with my two older Son's. I was amazed at how remote some people were from me who's postings I could see. But I had to close it in the end as it drove me fu--ing baserk, not because of Facebook itself, but because of the way it seemed to change otherwise rational, intelligent people into posting utter mindless sh-t!
It seems to promote this mindset in many people for some reason, a sort of kudos seeking thing. It is well documented. Google it and you'll see what I mean. Therefore even if Facebook went, I think something would probably take its place in fulfilling those needs sadly.
Sooner it's banned the better. People will realise how much they have missed living in the real world instead of their pretend self on Facebook.
Sooner it's banned the better. People will realise how much they have missed living in the real world instead of their pretend self on Facebook.

As an addiction it’s as bad as drugs and alcohol and ruins relationships just as much. But it’s way less Social despite the generalised term of social media.
I hate it.