Ford Model T Special T For Sale (1919)


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Manfactured between 1918 and 1919 only, this car is considered to be special. It is called a Special Coupe. It was the first equipped with a starter, (on closed cars only, open cars had to specially ordered). This model was the first hard top that for ever made. The interior of the car has mohair upholstery. The centre posts between the two side posts are removable. By lowering the side windows and turning a wing nut on the posts they are removed and stored under the seat making it an open car. <br />
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Extras include wire wheels, side lamps, and a ruxtel rear axle. The ruxtel rear axle enables the car to have 2 lower speeds, 2 high speeds, and 2 speeds in reverse. The water pump on the engine was also an extra item. <br />
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The 1919 Model T Ford Special Coupe sold new for approximately $345.00 without extras. There are approximately fifteen models of this type left today. <br />

Date written: 16-Mar-2017

Price: £25000 As stated

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ID: 7087