Fun going to work this morning now what's for dinner?

saleen 192

Core Member
Good job i got a large frezzer coz i know what's for dinner for the next month
it was an interesting drive to work it went on for about 1/2 mile like this aprrox 60 sheep on the road

Beautiful - sign of spring with the lambs :)
Very nice. Still enjoying it in the far west?
Oh yes,
Yes all the fields are covered in baby lambs
the other week the sheep and a baby lamb walked are alone the stone wall realised couldn't go any where and jumped the river in the deepest spot instead of bit further down where you can walk across. Good job the gate wasn't open
Are you getting one of them fascinations with sheep I hear the Welsh people get?
well i am not jumping in river to save them......................
White fluff balls are spreading this way. Stanstead house in the background.
Saw this Darren and thought of you.

Dam i havn't got a hat new i was doing something wrong!!