I think the tires were bald for a long long time.

Cutest couple you'll see on the internet today.

Today is like everyday, dull and never mind blowing.

She should of turned around when she saw a pawn shop and liquor store on every corner.

I think it's ok to say the DMV has never hired the best or brightest.

Yes I'm in pain but I have to finish my tweet!

I guess my dream of owning a Smart car is now crushed.

The meaning of friendship.

Never trust your things at the workplace.

I bet you a fatty has never set foot in that car.

He was under the influence while driving and crashed.... hard.

Not just meat but so delicious too.

Got stuck making an illegal u-turn.

He 's towing his ship back to his home planet.

Dreams really do come true.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This the beginning of a tough driving experience.[/FONT]

A very clever way to haul kg's of drugs in plain sight.

I guess I chose the wrong spot to park today.

You're no man if you can't do the job in one trip.

When he grows up, he wants to be a state trooper.

That pole came out of nowhere!

Practice what you ticket, officer!

Note to Smart car owners, fart before you enter the car.

Try to type this tag quickly pigs!

Just going for a quick dip in the pool.

Not sure what it is but something feels wrong.

Skill level 10 for hitting two cars and a house.

Never mess with a New Yorker.

There was that one time but never again.

First and last day driving.

Snow days are now a thing of the past.

Viewers want more green cars.

This van knows how to carry #2 jokes.