Gallery: 30 years of Porsche tuners Techart


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Written by Craig Jamieson

Over this side of the channel, Techart isn"t quite a household name in the homes of the petrolhead. Unlike RUF, who captivated the minds of teenagers everywhere with the CTR Yellowbird, Techart"s a Porsche tuner with a lower profile. But we don"t think it should be so yes, it"s very easy to look down your nose at aftermarket tuners, and say things like oh god, it burns" and I can"t unsee that" every time a tuner trots out a widebodied SUV. Not every tuner thinks the same way, though. Now, you don"t get anywhere in the aftermarket business by being subtle but, if you"ve the trousers to back up the rhinestone-studded shirt, you can make it into the big leagues just think of Alpina, Abarth and AMG, for instance. And, considering that the town of Leonberg is also home to Gemballa, Techart could very well be the creator of the thinking man"s tuned Porsche a more refined, understated breed. Up to a point, of course Techart"s recent take on the Cayenne is rather polarising.But let"s not get bogged down in that. Instead, let"s celebrate the best of Techart"s 30 years, each one spent dedicated to making ever-faster Porsches. Bless "em.

Date written: 4 Apr 2017

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