George & Falcon American Theme Day - Sat 30th Aug


Club co ordinator
We have been invited by the George & Falcon pub in Warnford to attend an American themed day. There will be music, BBQ and more to be confirmed. It is a lovely little pub with ample parking plus it will be a nice little cruise there. If you are interested then let me know and i can advise them on numbers.

More details to follow
Booo it's a Saturday :( lol. Sounds good although Abbott Ann Motor Festival is the same day and quite a few of us are going there after last year being so good. X
Catherine did say that she can change the day/date if not convenient
That's really nice of them.....wouldn't want to miss out on a good day out :) well, for you guys anyway lol.
We could try for a Sunday if that's easier for you Sarah. We may have a better chance of getting that too as she is quite booked up with weddings at the moment on Saturdays.
It would be great to come along but whatever works easiest for them and the club :) I just 'demand' photos if I'm not there ;) hehe.
photos are a MUST! :) :)
Thats why you have to be there as you are our roving photographer