Goodwood Members meet, accident, lucky driver


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Staff member
Goodwood 74 members meeting was last weekend. Some fantastic cars there. A few of the Renegades went along to it, and some of them were marshalls.

There was an accident on the home straight, the driver was soo lucky to escape with just a broken collar bone.
Goodwood 74 Members Meeting First Race Crash - YouTub
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Wowzers - another lucky guy!
To let you know more about the crash that was opposite the pits, the driver ended up in pedestrian walkway upside down in his car luckily it was not busy at the time, unlike Saturday
it was packed, well the driver was ok until he released his harness being upside down in car gravity took over and he came out of the car and hit his collar bone on hand rail thus breaking it:eek:hwell: he had a couple of bruises with the crash but real damage done when he got out. poor bloke, well its all repaired there now after a long time getting the transmission oil off the wall and replacing the hand rail. job done.
although I was working there it was a good weekend, got revival next. see yall soooon Crazy pete :drum:
Thanks for the update Pete. Always good to know more info about these things. Sounds like you have been busy working there, what a great job to be in. :)
Fecking hell that sent a cold shiver down my back seeing that . yes bloody lucky thanks for up date.