Google,Privacy & GDPR


Super Moderator
I have long held a distrust towards Google (and Facebook) and it appears that I’m not alone.
Google have been misusing and mis-acquiring your data for years and it’s high time that people stopped just trusting what they do online, to an advertising company. Google isn’t a search engine, not is it an email provider or mobile phone operating system provider. They are an advertising company whose bottom line is to make money by targeting you with adverts. That wouldn’t be so bad if they actually gave a shit about the data they collect, but they don’t. You are just a source of income for the behemoth that is google and the protection of your data is not on their radar.
This record fine levied against them proves I’m not alone in believing this. Google hit with �44m GDPR fine over ads - BBC New

My advice, don’t use Google as a search engine, ditch g-mail and switch from Android.
Only when you stop feeding this monster will it die.

So happy I’m not a google user at all, so please excuse my smug grin.
I'm not saying Google is good or anything, but people have been able to listen into our phone calls for years. Somehow media can pick up our answerphone message, and now we have to have passwords to pick up answerphone message, so I have ditched the answer phone instead of having to remember another password, people like the media ruin it for all. Facebook, argh, that is gotta be the worse farming of information ever, and people post their whole live on it. We do need to ban facebook. People post their opinions and I'm sure much of is being selected information that appears to be prominent, and people base their views on what they see on facebook, and vote accordingly.

The whole world is really being controlled by certain sources. I do wonder if the IQ scale is linked to how much you use facebook, the more you use it the less IQ you are likely have. I know that sounds a bit harsh. I do hate it.
The answer phone messages is the old failure of not changing the password and leaving it to the default!!
User error!

But equally happy I’m not a Facebook user either. When people realise that everything they post on-line is forever and there is no delete option, they might think twice. But it’s alreDy too late for two generations; mistakes and views and opinions will always be visible to family, friends, employers and law enforcement and just about anyone. And there are somethings that are just best left out of the public domain.
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The answer phone messages is the old failure of not changing the password and leaving it to the default!!
User error!
I only wanted to pick up answer phone messages from my phone only, like it used to be, there should not be any other access apart from my phone. For some reason you can dial from any phone to pick up messages, what a crazy idea that was.
I only wanted to pick up answer phone messages from my phone only, like it used to be, there should not be any other access apart from my phone. For some reason you can dial from any phone to pick up messages, what a crazy idea that was.

All about mobility, but I agree; I always disable voicemail too. If I’m not free to take your call, I’ll still know you called and if I want to return your call - I will.