Gosport Rotary’s Vehicle Rally and Family Fun Day - 25th August 2025

Added to Calendar: 25-08-25


Forum Admin
Staff member
Message from their chairman
Gosport Rotary’s Vehicle Rally and Family Fun Day will be held on Bank Holiday, Monday, 25th August 2025, at Stokes Bay Field [PO12 2BL]

This year we are intending to use an Event Management System to book cars. The increasing popularity of the event has meant that field capacity is being reached, and the manual booking system has become too labour intensive. We will send you a link to the System following system testing. Hopefully this will be by mid-March

We are reducing the number of vehicle classes to four this year. These are Cars pre 1975, Cars post 1975, Large Vehicles and Motor Bikes. All cars and large vehicles will be £5 to book and motor bikes will be £3

For both the pre and post 1975 classes the judges will award commendation plaques for the best car in the class, the best luxury car, the best sports car, and the best saloon car. For M/Cs the judges will award plaques for the best M/C, the best superbike, and the best three wheeler. For the large vehicles, judges will award plaques for the best large vehicle, the most novel large vehicle, and the best military/blue light vehicle

This year all vehicles will have to be pre-booked using the event management system link. To enable field layout planning the cut-off date for those wishing to be judged or being included within a class area is 11 August. The booking system will continue to the last minute but will not include a vehicle being judged or allocated a space with a club grouping. Do note that the system does not have the ability to book several places. Each member of your club who wishes to attend and be part of the club group must book before 11 August

As usual, there will be amusements, attractions and stalls selling various merchandise and products as well as catering stands and a fully licensed bar

Ray Drake
Without Petersfield on this year. I'll be going to Gosport. A great show and seems to be growing over the years.
Flyer for the event,

Also attached in PDF.

The online booking system is really nice and easy, booked in my car to attend. gosportrotaryclub.org


  • Flyer for VR.pdf
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