Hallo from new member


New member
Hi all

Just a quick hallo as have just joined, I have a 1979 Dodge B200 Dayvan, currently this is up on the ramps at present as spooning in an A518 overdrive transmission to replace my A727 trans, hoping for a few extra miles to the gallon, as they say "every little bit helps"!!

hey mark welcome mate . get some pics up of van
Hi all
Thank you for the welcomes, I'm at work at moment but will get some pics up of the van this evening

Hi all
Few pics of the van before it went up on the ramps, it has an oddessey spoiler on the roof not seen too many of these around, this was me on Run to the Sun Last year 300 miles each way hence the need for better fuel economy !
Hope you like the pics



  • rene1.jpg
    102.5 KB · Views: 436
hi and welcome nice van
Thanks all, have seen the garage section so will do a little write up on the van and post in there as well. When i get the thing back on the road, be a few months yet may well have a run down for the cruise night. Mark
Hi Sarah,

Yes still in process of spooning the A518 transmission into the van at present, not too much left to do, got to finish plumbing in new trans cooler lines, fit shortened prop, new transfilter and a few bolts to torque then fire it up and take for MOT. At standstill at moment waiting for parts as you do so going to be few months yet.