Happy New Year


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Staff member
Well its that time of the year again when the year rolls over to the next. Some places in the world are already 2019. I wonder how many weeks into the year that we still write 2018.
What everyone's plans for tonight>? going out partying? a few drinks? Writing a list of new years resolutions?

Whatever peoples plans are, hope you all have a good one.
Enjoy ........
Quiet time at home. I hate New Years. It’s really melancholy. Won’t be drinking too much, my running regimen starts again tomorrow mornings.
Whatever you do, have a good but safe time.
Meeting at a freinds then up the pub untill next year!
Over by the Waterlooville tip. A few drinks with friends.
Lol. It's where the new houses are. The moved the tip and then put it where they were building a housing estate with very limited parking. We walked around.
27mins to go.
Happy new year guys n gals xxxx
Happpy knew yeer eveeryone, wernt far from you Dan, at the Falcon.