Hi there yet another chevy astro driver


Hi all as i've come along to 2 of your meets and todays cruze now so i thought i would come on here and say hi to you all

also have a 1956 vw bug but she is poorly so when i feel like it she will get sorted ...

Alec is my name and i've met a few of you guys and gals now so i am sure ill meet up with the rest of you

i am happy go lucky sort of fella so i am sure ill fit in :thumb:

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Welcome to the forum. Great to see you at the last club night and the cruise.
Was good to see you to fella great turn out shame about the 2 that broke down but we got them running again in the end :) cant wait for all the pics ect are put up :)
Welcome to the forum :) I've just uploaded the photographs from last night. Looking forward to seeing you again soon :)
Hi And Welcome
Love the Astro. Great vehicles but they are prone to carbon clogging up the EGR and hanging it open. Love the colour too.
the way i drive don't think it will clog up lol but ill keep my eye on it :) and yeah was the main reason i got it was the colour plus it had loads of new parts and was well cared for :)