In 2006 an 84 year old woman, Edith Macefield refused to sell her home to real-estate developers in Seattle and became a hero to people who saw it as a fight of the little guy against The Man. The five story commercial space was forced to build around her small home, making for a unique picture.

Some people thought that the house was the inspiration for the film Up in which an old man refuses to let developers demolish his home.

However, the script for Up was written in 2004, long before Edith turned down $1 million for her 108 year old farmhouse.

Sadly Edith died in 2008 and the house was willed to the new building’s superintendent who in turn sold it to another company. That company, Reach Returns now owes $185K on the property which is set to go into foreclosure and will be auctioned off…. the house today:

The owner of the building that surrounds it may buy the house, finally demolish it and complete their building as originally planned. You win some, you lose some.
1. Shenzhen, China Six Floor Apartment Building

2.Hefei, Anhui Province, China

3.Wenling, in Zhejiang Province, China

4.Yangji Village In Guangzho, China

5. 75-year-old Yao Baohua's House in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China

6.Yichang, Hubei Province, China

7.Rui'an, Zhejiang Province, China

8.House In Suzhou China VS Luxury Condos

9. Pinghe, China, One Apartment In Apartment Building Left Standing

Some people thought that the house was the inspiration for the film Up in which an old man refuses to let developers demolish his home.

However, the script for Up was written in 2004, long before Edith turned down $1 million for her 108 year old farmhouse.

Sadly Edith died in 2008 and the house was willed to the new building’s superintendent who in turn sold it to another company. That company, Reach Returns now owes $185K on the property which is set to go into foreclosure and will be auctioned off…. the house today:

The owner of the building that surrounds it may buy the house, finally demolish it and complete their building as originally planned. You win some, you lose some.
1. Shenzhen, China Six Floor Apartment Building

2.Hefei, Anhui Province, China

3.Wenling, in Zhejiang Province, China

4.Yangji Village In Guangzho, China

5. 75-year-old Yao Baohua's House in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China

6.Yichang, Hubei Province, China

7.Rui'an, Zhejiang Province, China

8.House In Suzhou China VS Luxury Condos

9. Pinghe, China, One Apartment In Apartment Building Left Standing