interesting article

lol, You do it too, reading while should be working.
We have anti Linked-in at work, so much junk was being email though. So its blocked on the email server now. Very tempted to block access to Fabebook unless in lunch hour.
So many places seem to use your information for marketing purposes. I hear Apple brought Twatter, I can only imagine they would do that to make money, and having access to peoples information must be making them money somehow.
Wasn't emailed - I was on and it was relevant reading!! :whistle: unlike facebo and bebook

I had to tell someone off for facebook earlier today - stupid doing it in front of your boss :crazy:
I hope you were replying to all threads on here (solent renegades website) when you told them off for using facebook :biggrin1: :whistle:
That and our forum is awesome ;) lol.

But yeah, Facebook whilst at work is silly! At O2 it's not a big thing, providing it's on our phones. Work computers are a big no no.
Not a problem anymore. I fired the offender yesterday when many other things came to light.
Means my workload goes up until I can recruit - oh well.
Oh no, can't imagine ever an easy part of a job. Hopefully someone new will come along quick.....when's your next holiday from work?? lol.
Yeah - hopefully most people have that day off too :)
I dooooo :D I'm on leave now as well so I'm now not back at work until the Wednesday after :) whoop!!
Whoop whoop!!
Very big whoop whoop lol :) plan on getting some gardening done whilst I'm off....seeing as it's sunny too be rude not to spend all day outside.