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Ford Announces Final Falcon GT Muscle Sedan
This is really sad news. An acquaintance of mine reckons that actually production will cease earlier than that too.
Which just leaves the question - what would a modern day Max Rockatansky drive? Certainly not a supercharged Falcon I'm guessing.
With a 4th in the Mad Max films underway, I guess we won't have to wait too long to find out. My guess is either a Nissan Leaf or a Toyota Prius!!! :loco:
But in all seriousness - If Ford Australia will no longer have v8's, how long until Ford US don't? and once they don't will GM follow suit? Will the move to Turbo charged v6
ung: in F1 dictate the road car of the future. If so I guess the c8 Corvette will be a six too.
Whilst the dependence on foreign oil does hold us to ransom, the death of the v8 will be very sad. :death:
Enjoy those V8's whilst you can! :usa2:
This is really sad news. An acquaintance of mine reckons that actually production will cease earlier than that too.
Which just leaves the question - what would a modern day Max Rockatansky drive? Certainly not a supercharged Falcon I'm guessing.
With a 4th in the Mad Max films underway, I guess we won't have to wait too long to find out. My guess is either a Nissan Leaf or a Toyota Prius!!! :loco:
But in all seriousness - If Ford Australia will no longer have v8's, how long until Ford US don't? and once they don't will GM follow suit? Will the move to Turbo charged v6
Whilst the dependence on foreign oil does hold us to ransom, the death of the v8 will be very sad. :death:
Enjoy those V8's whilst you can! :usa2: