Left any 11s somewhere?


Forum Admin
Staff member
We all like to give the car a blat from time to time. Any for those of us that can leave 11's you're the lucky ones with a diff that lets you do it.
Well from time to time you just want to check the diff is working, plus you may be given some coaxing on by other people.


While leaving a Matts dad's wedding reception in Cosham on Saturday, that moment came when people said make some noise. Well a quick blip left these 11's on the road. Made a certain little kid called Vin smile.
You silly boy pike they are double yellow lines ..lol
Too numerous to mention, but one time sticks in my mind.
On our way to visit some friends I took the back roads and after spotting a long straight without another car in sight, I stopped my 4th gen, engaged first and dropped the clutch.....
The revs immediately bounced off the limiter as I quickly grabbed 2nd then 3rd with the tyres still spinning, and finally 4th where I finally got traction.
The road was full of smoke, the lines of rubber (not entirely in a straight line as the car had fishtailed) were in excess of 40ft long and I made a hasty departure before someone called the law!
Took me ages to clean the rubber off the rear quarters but the enjoyment factor was high!
No pictures, but a great memory!

Never tried it in the Vette!
Don't forget the most recent little tiny one in the TATA ;)

lil vin loved it .. and the sound bouncying off the walls awesome
g.s.p.. burn out.jpg bee used to do 11's the crown vic just 1's
bee%2011;s.jpg bees 11 at old workshop