Loss of Data


Forum Admin
Staff member
Lost half the forum yesterday afternoon. There are 350+ tables in the database, each table does a little bit towards the forum. I lost 200 of these tables, which made verything unuseable.

Dont a restore back to yesterday at 6am, but it dosn't seem to be taking well. Lost many other setting too, like the logo and colours. I'm working on it.
MOCGB is on V Bulliten as well, no problems there though.
Well its mainly my fault. If they dont have a clumby clut like me then they will be okay. I was about to upgrade the Garage section, and was going to do a backup first to be careful, but this backfired, and corrupted the orginal. Slowly getting things back together. Backups are done around 6am every day.. but it seems the restore dosn't give the perfect result.
Thats not too good, if you can't restore perfectly the the backups are a bit of a waste of time. I'm guessing you got the backup to restore most of the stuff in the end. Good luck Dan, I don't envy the task of sorting it all out.
I'm still trying to restore more. Yes its not good to think the backups arrn't great at being restored. At least the forum isn't businisess critical, but there is a lot of data in the forum we do not wish to loose. As it is I cant get the CMS data back at the moment.
I'm in contact with the server farm who host the website in London, they perform the backups. I think this mistake of me loosing some tables and finding out the restore isn't seemless certainly points a few things out. What if a drive was lost and they had to use the backup for every website on there. They could have a lot of angry people.

I'm working on getting this all up and running correctly. Its kinda limping along at the moment.

My current plan is to take the forum offline, rename the database we are working from, restoreing their version of the database, and then I'll implant the missing tables into this current database and go from there.

Its been a few days now, and this is my top priority at the moment.
Sounds like a plan. Don't work too hard though, make sure to do get some relaxation time over this long weekend.

I will try, need to move a radiator, and put a new roof on the shed at some point. My Playstation died last night, its indicating it got too warm, but I moved it from one end of the lounge tot he other and would no longer power up. I will try to fix that with reflowing the BGA chips on the motherboard. Need to get a new FreeView TV box, the current one seems to forget to record stuff and loose everything on the HDD. Seems like everything is going wrong at once.
The nice thing is the car, I have been playing with thew idle, its nice and lumpy on idle, instead of 30 degrees advance its now 10. Dosn't smeel so much of fuel. Still some tweaking to do, but on the whole its working well.

At least the forum is useable at the moment. I really want to get the front page data back. I could recreate it I suppose. May be quicker than trying to restore it.
Peoples Avatar's seem to be missing too.
I wouldn't worry about avatars, that's an easy enough thing for people to upload themselves again. Maybe a small inconvenience, but you've been working on this for ages.

That sounds good re your Trans Am, sounds like it's running nice.

I know what mean about everything going wrong at once, my dad and i finally got his gearbox in on saturday and on of the joints on the driveshaft decided to fall apart so now he needs two CV joint covers... at least the gearbox/clutch is working again I guess.

Your memory stick is in the Chevy, so it will be at club on Tuesday :)
The server farm is going to build another linux server for MySQL database to try out the recovery of the database. I wouldn't mind the CMS data from the front page, there is other bits around the forum.
The forum seems stable as it is. We will see how it goes.
Good work Dan but don't forget this is the weekend mate. Have your self some 'Me' time.
There was a problem editing your profile. I've fixed this problem now.
Games scores seem to be saved from the arcade.

I think the data we have in the forum / front page is all that I can get. So it looks like members will need to re-upload their avatars/profile pics.