Motorway speed limits


Super Moderator
Let me just start by saying that I'm not posting this to start an argument. I've seen how these posts like these can deteriorate because xxx lost a loved one etc....
We all know the dangers posed by excess speed, particularly in built up areas, and this post is not a free for all to discuss it.
If you don't want the motorway speed limit to at least be discussed by parliament then say nothing and move on! Fair enough?

If you do want it discussed then read on.

Do you think the speed limit on
the UK's motorways should be
increased from 70mph to

If so, there is a government
petition that you can sign here.

Raise the Speed limit on Motorways in the UK from 70mph to 90mph. - Petition

If it reaches 100,000 signatures
then it should get debated in
Most of the time it's not speed that kills it's suddenly stopping. All them people changing lanes without looking. You do see a lot of cars going 80+.

My little Kia couldn't make it to 90mph, feels like its going to fly away when I reach 65mph.

Stopping distances could be changed in the highway code too. I think they are based on a 60 year old car.

I'll have a read of the petition later. Thanks for posting.