My life in cars: Terry Grant


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My very first driving experience was when I was eight years old. I was on the road, and my dad was sitting next to me. It was in a big, old Rover not sure of the model and I couldn"t sit on the seat because I wasn"t big enough. So I used to do the steering, and when I changed gear I lifted myself up using the steering wheel, put my foot on the clutch and changed gear, so I was standing all the time. We got stopped by the police, and the policeman couldn"t believe it at first. He told my dad off a lot more than me I bought my first actual road car when I was about 13. I saved up all the money, I think it cost me something like 25. It was an Austin 1300, so it was a really old car anyway. It had a broken gearbox so it didn"t actually drive, and it was about a mile and a half from where I lived, so I used to ride my bike there with my mates, then we used to just sit in it and listen to the radio and mess about, then ride back home. Eventually it got taken away for scrap somewhere, but all the time I owned it, it never turned a wheel. It was just a place to go, my man cave. I can"t remember the first car I properly drove around in, it may have been a Ford Escort or something like that. I can"t really remember what it was, to be honest. It was very easy to pass my test. I"m sure it"s very different now to what it was when I passed it, but it was all about the driving back then. You had to answer a few questions and read a number plate and that was it. And I could already drive, so it wasn"t a problem.

Date written: 5 Sep 2018

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