would like to attend before it become a concrette jungle why don't they sort out all the empty buldings that are around all ready have the services to them,
would like to attend before it become a concrette jungle why don't they sort out all the empty buldings that are around all ready have the services to them,
Profit! There is more profit in developing new housing to suit a demographic than there is in trying to develop older properties onto those people. They'll do it eventually but by then there will be nothing green left!
Profit! There is more profit in developing new housing to suit a demographic than there is in trying to develop older properties onto those people. They'll do it eventually but by then there will be nothing green left!
You are right, nothing green will be left. The trouble is, more and more people are on the planet, yet less an less farming areas. We already have to get in soo much food from other countries, as our land cannot support us. It is only going to get worse. They are building over 3000 houses in the waterlooville area, the houses that are built already have hardly anywhere to park, as soon as there is 2 cars per household it's not fit for purpose. Plus they keep building on areas that were swamp land in my childhood, surely the water doesn't just disappear, and will surely come back after a bit of rain.
Yes where i used to live they were starting on building 750 houses and school but the local road cant take the traffic now and as you say most houses these days have two cars so on that note they will be 1500 car in that already crowded area glad i moved away from the rat race. they are building loads of new houses around littlehampton/barnham area and new industrial estates as well but the prscent industrial est's in that area i can think of 4 big one half have empty units from sizes so why build more??
mybe the track guys could approx some of the smaller air strips and mybe start a new drag strip ???? the race track that is planned for south wales could include a drag strip but as some said it has to go via planning,
The other issue with race tracks is the environmental concern. Whilst everyone is banging on about climate change and icebergs melting it's not going to be a popular vote with the majority.