I was after a couple of USB to Micro USB cables, the ones to charge phones, so nothing special. The ones at home are getting a bit worn. So for 99p it was a bargain, so I ordered too. So total order of ?1.98, and postage was free.
Well the items arrived on my desk today. Cables are fine, however they arrived Special Delivery. This means its cost them ?6.40 to post them, unless they have some special deal with Royal mail and that they get a percentage off. But still, they cant have made any profit from this transaction. Even if they made 80p per cable, it doesn't even cover the postage they paid.
Info from the Royal Mail website.
Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm
Guaranteed by 1:00pm next day
Value Up to ?500
Well the items arrived on my desk today. Cables are fine, however they arrived Special Delivery. This means its cost them ?6.40 to post them, unless they have some special deal with Royal mail and that they get a percentage off. But still, they cant have made any profit from this transaction. Even if they made 80p per cable, it doesn't even cover the postage they paid.
Info from the Royal Mail website.
Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm
Guaranteed by 1:00pm next day
Value Up to ?500
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