Petersfield Summer Festival 28th Aug 2023

Added to Calendar: 28-08-23


Forum Admin
Staff member
We will be meetings at Morrison in Horndean to leave at 9.15am.
Just rock up at Horndean. We have like a block booking. I just give them an idea of numbers. This is for the August one.

The May one we havnt been invited too, but people can individually enter via their website.
Is this one still on?

Ignore the above statement, got my weekends mixed up! (Silly me.)
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Yes B/H Monday 28th August is still on.
Yep plenty of room.
T'was a good turnout indeed. Shame there weren't enough Marshalls to park us up. However, leaving was much better - Well done to the organisers.
yes a good day out even though i had a bit of tyre trouble


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Looks like a motorbike tyre. What happened to it?