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Written by Rowan Horncastle
It"s July. Which means it"s summer. Which means that it"s summer supercar road trip season. That"s your cue to whoop and holla, people. See, conga lines of exceedingly rare and expensive hypercars snaking around exotic parts of the world have become a bit of a thing" over the last few years with Pagani, McLaren, Ferrari and Koenigsegg all getting in on the act.Pagani was one of the first, as we managed to hitchhike our way around Tuscany in Zondas and Huayras with the Pagani family way back when in 2012. Safe to say, it was quite special. You can read about that here. Since then, the tour has got bigger and bigger, with more owners shipping their cars over to Italy to join in the three days of fun each summer. But each year also brings more Paganis onto the planet as they have more time to carefully knock them together in the brand new factory. And as you can see above, three generations of Pagani a 760RS Zonda, Huayra and the latest and greatest Huayra BC enjoying a drive up a dusty Tuscan track is quite wonderful. Share this page: FacebookTwitterGoogle+WhatsAppMailtoCopy link
Date written: 27 Jul 2017
More of this article on the Top gear website
ID: 8645

It"s July. Which means it"s summer. Which means that it"s summer supercar road trip season. That"s your cue to whoop and holla, people. See, conga lines of exceedingly rare and expensive hypercars snaking around exotic parts of the world have become a bit of a thing" over the last few years with Pagani, McLaren, Ferrari and Koenigsegg all getting in on the act.Pagani was one of the first, as we managed to hitchhike our way around Tuscany in Zondas and Huayras with the Pagani family way back when in 2012. Safe to say, it was quite special. You can read about that here. Since then, the tour has got bigger and bigger, with more owners shipping their cars over to Italy to join in the three days of fun each summer. But each year also brings more Paganis onto the planet as they have more time to carefully knock them together in the brand new factory. And as you can see above, three generations of Pagani a 760RS Zonda, Huayra and the latest and greatest Huayra BC enjoying a drive up a dusty Tuscan track is quite wonderful. Share this page: FacebookTwitterGoogle+WhatsAppMailtoCopy link
Date written: 27 Jul 2017
More of this article on the Top gear website
ID: 8645