Please Do Not Touch Sign


Please Do Not Touch Sign/Licence Tag


I had this sign made last year when we were in Florida as it what the cruiser's put on their cars out there. Well we will be out there again the end of August for 2 weeks and I was wondering if any of you guys would like one brought back? It is about the size of a standard US plate you will be able to see it at the season opener if you are interested. They are not particuarly cheap tho if you are not worried about colour they are $30, made to order colour is $50 mine was a $50 one.

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Oooh, nice idea. Yeah I will be up for a $30 one. I dont have dollars yet only Euro's. See ya at the season opener.
Licence Tag

I have posted this on facebook but I know not every one has it. I'm off to Florida at the end of August and I have found a place that can turn the renegades logo into a us style license tag. Is this something any of you guys would be interested in?
This is what the tag would look like except with the renegades logo. It is a full colour print pressed onto a aluminium tag.


I will be able to do them for £20 each allowing for the exchange rate. I can also still get the do not touch signs as well for £20

This is the mock up they sent me ( I know some of the colors are wrong)


What's the pricing on the "please do not touch" plate exactly as pictured?

When I got this one 3 years I paid $50 for it as it was custom made to my colours. I have been quoted £20 each for them this year. But I'm not sure if that is for premade ones or custom ones.
I have messaged them and asked them if I can choose the colours on the signs. I will report back as son as I get a reply.
Just had a message back since I am putting in a largish order we can choose the colours of the sign for £20 subject to availability of the colours.