Port Solent October 30th 2016


Forum Admin
Staff member
Just out of intrest, where was this new meet advertised? A chance meeting with Jay on Saturday lunchtime informed me of the event. Unfortunately I was out on sat eve and would not have been in a fit state to drive on sunday. No offence to the orginiseres intended, just didn't see the advberts.
They only advertised it on facebook.
I was sure I added it to the calender on here, but must have forgot. It's going to be 2nd and 4th Sunday's of the month.
Just goes to show not everyone wants to use Facebook.
Just goes to show not everyone wants to use Facebook.

You are right, its the biggest time waster ever. Sarah is totally glued to it all day every day. Just full of people posting rubbish. You may see an event of interest pop up, and think I'll go back and read that, well if you didn't read it when you saw it, its gone, long gone, you can't search for things, I find it totally frustrating. Especially every time you open it on the phone, it seems to default to some random order, not newest first, and you have to jump through hoops on multiple screens to change the order back to something useful. If facebook was shut down, soo many people would get their lives back and actually achieve something useful.

I'd rather stick to posting events on here. A good base of info (although I seem to have missed adding this event, the next one is on there though) easy to find whats going on in the month and what clashes with something else so you can make a choice.

Long live forums and websites...
I would have gone if I'd known that it was on
I would have gone if I'd known that it was on
I know, my bad for not checking it was listed on here. I could have given you the hoodies then as well. I will pop down to the Mustang meet this Sunday if you are still going to that.
Lol yep wot do I owe you?
The hoodie is £20.

They have come out really well. Have put in another order, as sold everything I had. So more will be available for everyone else.
Next one is this Sunday. 13th Nov 2016.
What time is it from and to?
It is from 10am.
No end time on their facebook page.
Not a bad turn out today, nice to see new classics, two yes two Delorians, 912 Porsche and others. Hope some one tock pictures......
The people that took pictures tend to only post on Fachache, so we may not see them. It did look like a good turnout. Couldn't make this one as made some good progress on the shed instead.
I may download the photos from Facebook one by one and put them on here, as once something is posted to facebook you give up all rights of ownership, plus we are not using it to make profit or take credit, just for sharing photos, so I may do that later for us all on here.