Sarahs Photography Website


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Just been working on Sarah's website recently a place to pop up her favourite photography photos. the idea spawned from being at Santapod one year, and seeing the 'Press' being right next to the track. a few times these 'Professional Photographers' missed a few great shots like truing away when a car was launching.
So Sarah wondered what do you need to to be one of these photographers.. well not a lot. So it spawned the idea of having a website to showcase photos.

So there it is...
I'm sure more will be added. Its a great start. Created using Joomla which is free and a content management system and running on the same server as this website.

Any feedback appreciated :)
Well my next job after it was working was to make sure it running sweet. There is a website called


There are soo many things that can be tweaked on a website. Like enabling GZIP which compresses items before downloading. enable Server caching and client caching. enabling CDN's.

To be honest it is very difficult to get straight A's. I'm very impressed it could be done. Got a whizzy server to partially think for that.
varitey of pictures there , keeep up the good work
Very nice - just need her to come on here now lol

It's taken me ages to go through photos. Still a lot of recent ones to go through and upload really.

So yes, it kind of stemmed from a weekend in Santa Pod. The 'professionals' would get a burn out shot and once pulled away look down at their cameras, miss amazing shots of cars on one wheel, tyre shakes making the go all over the place and block my bl**dy view, in turn making me miss the shot as their fat heads were in the way.

Looking on Santa Pods website I could see a lot of the photographers had there own sites so Dan offered to put some of my photos on my own site.
There she is :) :) :). Keep up the good work Sarah!