Scanned the car found some codes


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Nothing too concerning. Thought I'd look into why the Service Light flashes occasionally. Did look up the U1000 code before.
I got my GM Service manual books out to look at dropping the cross member. Saw it lists codes in that book too. So went to do a scan, and write my finding as I find them.

P0121 - TP Sensor Circuit, well my TPS voltage is 0.21V, this should be nearer 0.5V, so just need to adjust the screw on the throttle, or move the TPS, either will work. Mowinf the TPC will save me altering the IAC counts

P0530 - AC, lol, well there is no AC, so nothing to worry about there. I will delete that light, and reporting of that error.

U1000 - Class 2 Communication Malfunction. If it does not receive a responce from PCM, EBCM, SDM or the IPC.

Well the ABS module is somewhere else, so is highly likely the cause of the U1000 code.
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EBCM = Electronic Brake Control Module
IPC = IP Cluster, is the Instrument Panel.
PCM = Powertrain control module(3.8L).
SDM = Sending and Diagnostic Module (Inflatable restraints)
whilst your sorting out your TPS reference voltage, see if you adjust the throttle cable to make sure you are actually getting full throttle on the bad boy by removing the slack.
whilst your sorting out your TPS reference voltage, see if you adjust the throttle cable to make sure you are actually getting full throttle on the bad boy by removing the slack.

There is so much slack in that cable A/T suprised the old butterfly flap even opens halfway pointed this out to him at the show the other month what you like dan come on dan this is an easy job compared to rebuilding your engine lol,,,,,
If I move the pedal a tiny bit, I see readings on the ECU, so %TPS comes in very soon even though the cable looks slack, so need to be careful at that end for it not to read too much. However at the other end of the throttle, it may not be opening fully. All them times of foot to the floor has probably stretched the cable.
Certainly no adjustment at the throttle body end. Maybe something at the pedal end. If its anything like the hand brake, there is no adjustment. So I may need to think something up, like modifying the bracket at the throttle body end. Add some slots to the bracket, there are 2 bolts that hold it in place, so slots would work.
any update ?