You could have you very own email address ending in
So if you want an email account like please let me know by sending me an email of your choice of name, plus a password you want to log in with to, and I will get this setup for you. You can pick up your emails though Webmail, much like hotmail all online, or it can be set up to be picked up via Outlook or another email client on your PC / tablet or phone. It's no bother at all to set you up with an email account.
Once I have set up the account for you, you can use the following info to set it up.
Checking emails in a Web Browser
To get emails though a web browser, go to it will ask you for the username and password. Username is your email address, for example, the password is what you requested.
To set up emails on a phone or outlook
Connect via POP or POP3, email address is the same as your username.
POP server:
Security Type = None.
Server port 110
Outgoing Server Settings
Login Required needs to be ticked
Same username as password
SMTP server:
security Type = None
Server Port - 25
Of course if you get stuck setting up, I'm only an email away.
So if you want an email account like please let me know by sending me an email of your choice of name, plus a password you want to log in with to, and I will get this setup for you. You can pick up your emails though Webmail, much like hotmail all online, or it can be set up to be picked up via Outlook or another email client on your PC / tablet or phone. It's no bother at all to set you up with an email account.
Once I have set up the account for you, you can use the following info to set it up.
Checking emails in a Web Browser
To get emails though a web browser, go to it will ask you for the username and password. Username is your email address, for example, the password is what you requested.
To set up emails on a phone or outlook
Connect via POP or POP3, email address is the same as your username.
POP server:
Security Type = None.
Server port 110
Outgoing Server Settings
Login Required needs to be ticked
Same username as password
SMTP server:
security Type = None
Server Port - 25
Of course if you get stuck setting up, I'm only an email away.