Smart tipping is now a thing


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On page one in chapter one of the Decent Petrosexual's Guide Book, it clearly states that you don't mess with other people's cars. Even if they're Smarts.
A passage plainly ignored by a group of eight hooded scallywags from San Francisco's Bernal Heights neighbourhood, who have ‘tipped' three of the 750kg Smart ForTwos onto their rear hatch, roof, and side.

Eyewitness, Brandon Michael, told local news broadcaster, KRON 4: "All of a sudden I just see eight hooded figures walk up to the car. I thought it looked like they were up to no good. And then sure enough they walk up to this smart car right here, all huddle around it, and then lift it up and set it on its hind legs."

Don't wake Frank, chaps.

Written By:- Matthew Jones

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