Southsea Cruise 2014


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The first Southsea cruise went ahead on April 20th, and we had a good show of cars. A short write up with photos is here:-Southsea Cruise 2014, it was raining all day, but turned out okay for the cruise. so numbers should be higher next months if the weather is better. Many flyers been given out about the Southsea Cruise dates, we had someone come from Brighton to the cruise, as they saw a flyer at Wheels day for it, more flyers were given out at Chichester college and Wheels Day, and far more will be given out at other shows too. I wonder if we will get record numbers at the cruise, either way we should be able to build it up to a good crown once again.

More info on the Southsea Cruise can be found here:- Southsea Cruise


The cruise route was recorded and played back at 8x the speed. we don't really drive this fast. A good way to learn the route, so thought I'd post it up.
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