Ten things we learned this week: 26 August 2016 edition


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Written by TopGear.com

Having the wheels stolen from your car would probably appear in yours and most drivers" Top 10 Worst Scenarios" list. Spare a thought then for the general manager of the Peltier Chevrolet dealership in Tyler, Texas, who is facing a $200,000 bill having lost wheels and tyres from 48 vehicles to thieves.CCTV footage has revealed that the suspects arrived in the middle of night last Sunday, breaking in by cutting the locks and then knocking out the usually-lit floodlights at the dealership.They then reportedly spent around four hours gathering their haul, leaving behind a yard strewn with abandoned lug nuts."We"ll go through and do a full safety inspection, get wheels and tyres replaced and we"ve contacted our insurance company," said GM David Bates, adding: "It"s rough but we"ll get through it."Image credit: Detective Gary King, East Texas Auto Theft Task Force

Date written: 26 Aug 2016

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