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Top Gear already established many years ago that the best way to improve upon the beautiful game was to swap out the overpaid, primadonna players with humble, unpretentious cars. It is literally impossible for a car to dive on the ground and roll around clutching its thigh because cars don"t have thighs. Rocket League simply takes that formula to its logical conclusion by adding a dash of kerosene to the cocktail.Rocket League is a fiendishly addictive online arcade game in which chunky, rocket-powered buggies compete to punt a huge football into the opposing team"s goal. Simple in theory but there"s a whole world of deft flicks, well-timed volleys and flagrant goal hanging to master. What? A goal"s a goal.
Date written: 23 Dec 2016
More of this article on the Top gear website
ID: 6186
Top Gear already established many years ago that the best way to improve upon the beautiful game was to swap out the overpaid, primadonna players with humble, unpretentious cars. It is literally impossible for a car to dive on the ground and roll around clutching its thigh because cars don"t have thighs. Rocket League simply takes that formula to its logical conclusion by adding a dash of kerosene to the cocktail.Rocket League is a fiendishly addictive online arcade game in which chunky, rocket-powered buggies compete to punt a huge football into the opposing team"s goal. Simple in theory but there"s a whole world of deft flicks, well-timed volleys and flagrant goal hanging to master. What? A goal"s a goal.
Date written: 23 Dec 2016
More of this article on the Top gear website
ID: 6186