This Guy Nearly Blew Up A Fuel Station To Kill A Spider


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Arachnophobia is a real thing and some people really do panic when they see spiders, this dude may win the award for most absolutely insane reaction to a spider in the history of ever.

A man at a petrol station in Center Line, Michigan was apparently accosted by one of those monstrous Michigan spiders you’re always hearing about. He was at the pump filling up when he saw the 8 legged beast on his car. Taking all these parts of the story into consideration, he did what he felt was the logical thing to do in this place and at this time and proceeded to pull out a lighter which he then used to set the spider on fire. At a fuel pump. While pumping fuel with his other hand.
Here’s some video of what happens when you try to set a spider on fire while you are refueling your car.


Surprise, he caused a massive fire? Luckily, despite how stupid the guy seems, he actually had enough smarts to know fire = bad and ran to get a fire extinguisher then put the fire out before anyone was blown to smithereens. The pump was severely damaged and his car got away mostly unscathed as well. The spider was mesquite grilled as far as anyone knows, so maybe it’s a happy ending after all.
For an advanced civilisation there are some real numpties about.
Darwin AWARD my be?????