Video: Tesla Model S races a plane in Australia


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Written by Joe Holding

Hearing the name Tesla" can make many things spring to mind: electricity, the environment, green energy anything like that.However it probably won"t remind you of, say, a huge commercial jet, what with the massive, fuel-guzzling engines they"re able to carry under their wings from continent to continent.So it would be fair to say that Tesla and the airline industry have very different ethoses, but in spite of this, even Elon Musk"s future-preserving company couldn"t pass up the chance to race one of Qantas"s Boeing 737s down a runway in Australia.Capable of producing 50,000 pounds of thrust, the 737 will eventually get to a cruising speed of 528mph at the right altitude, which roughly equates to 70% of the speed of sound.

Date written: 7 Apr 2016

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