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Want to become a car designer? Ian Callum, design director at Jaguar, sent a letter at the age of 13 and hasn"t looked back. Over to Ian Fifty years ago I sent a set of drawings to Jaguar"s Vice President, Bill Heynes, of what I thought the next Jaguar should look like. I used to write to a lot of car companies asking for brochures and suchlike, but it was only Jaguar I sent pictures to. I knew I wanted to work for Jaguar, even back then. I was getting to that stage at school where I was having to decide subjects and it was difficult to find a way into car design. I wrote asking for advice. On 1 March 1968 Bill replied. On 1 March 2018, fifty years later to the day, we unveiled the I-Pace.
Date written: 23 Mar 2018
More of this article on the Top gear website
ID: 11276
Want to become a car designer? Ian Callum, design director at Jaguar, sent a letter at the age of 13 and hasn"t looked back. Over to Ian Fifty years ago I sent a set of drawings to Jaguar"s Vice President, Bill Heynes, of what I thought the next Jaguar should look like. I used to write to a lot of car companies asking for brochures and suchlike, but it was only Jaguar I sent pictures to. I knew I wanted to work for Jaguar, even back then. I was getting to that stage at school where I was having to decide subjects and it was difficult to find a way into car design. I wrote asking for advice. On 1 March 1968 Bill replied. On 1 March 2018, fifty years later to the day, we unveiled the I-Pace.
Date written: 23 Mar 2018
More of this article on the Top gear website
ID: 11276