Watch a man backflip over a Formula E car in 360 degrees


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Written by Rowan Horncastle

Having the ability to do a backflip without landing on your head is a pretty good party trick at the best of times. But being able to do a backflip over a moving single-seater race car, while not even looking the right way, is a whole different kettle of ballsyness.But that"s exactly what British freerunner and former gymnast Damien Walters (a man who"ll never have to pay for a beer in his life ever again) did recently.He didn"t make it easy for himself, either. Instead of choosing a nice, loud F1 car to jump over easier to hear coming stuntman Damien selected a silent Formula E car for his potentially deathy fliparoo.Luckily, Damien and his team didn"t just lick their fingers and rely on Top Gear maths to make it happen. Instead, they used actual tape measures, timing beams and computers to work out the speed and timing for the jump. Plus a couple of all-important practice runs.

Date written: 18 Apr 2016

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