This morning the website was down. If you tried it between midnight and 7am you would have been presented with an error message likes.
This session table should be able to grow in size. There was 110,000 entries in this table. Usually its just one entry per user. So when we see 200 users online there is only 200 users in the table. This table gets cleaned up once per hour. I have now upped this clean up to every 20mins to see if it happens again. It happens about 1 week ago too, but never happened before that.
Why so many users? well that is a good question. I believe its robots just scouring the website, we can cope with a lot of users, but they are doing something odd. I'm wondering if i can filter it out. One was is IP filtering. you know when you get spam email filters it can look up the server it came from to know if its come from a black listed server, well there is black listed sources for website traffic too. I have a free version in place, but wondering weather its worth upgrading. There are 5 variants i can access. So I may give others ago.
A few of the IP address I pulled from the log were all in China.
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.3:
Invalid SQL:
(sessionhash, userid, host, idhash, lastactivity, location, styleid, languageid, loggedin, inforum, inthread, incalendar, badlocation, useragent, bypass, profileupdate, apiclientid, apiaccesstoken, dbtech_vbanalytics_first_location, dbtech_vbanalytics_referer, dbtech_vbanalytics_first_activity)
('2faf01a63e829cfa90c234cc4342c9eb', 0, '', 'c7685c2ace66e8aae6bdd3ca7b5c83e5', 1567751232, 'forumdisplay.php?f=63', 0, 0, 0, 63, 0, 0, 0, 'Mozilla/5.0(Linux;Android 5.1.1;OPPO A33 Build/LMY47V;wv) AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,link Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/42.0.2311.138 Mobile Safari/537.36 Mb2345Browser/9.0', 0, 0, 0, '', 'a:2:{s:11:"this_script";s:12:"forumdisplay";s:10:"other_data";a:1:{s:5:"forum";i:63;}}', '', '1567751232');
MySQL Error : The table 'session' is full
Error Number : 1114
Request Date : Friday, September 6th 2019 @ 03:27:12 AM
Error Date : Friday, September 6th 2019 @ 03:27:12 AM
Script : PS
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
This session table should be able to grow in size. There was 110,000 entries in this table. Usually its just one entry per user. So when we see 200 users online there is only 200 users in the table. This table gets cleaned up once per hour. I have now upped this clean up to every 20mins to see if it happens again. It happens about 1 week ago too, but never happened before that.
Why so many users? well that is a good question. I believe its robots just scouring the website, we can cope with a lot of users, but they are doing something odd. I'm wondering if i can filter it out. One was is IP filtering. you know when you get spam email filters it can look up the server it came from to know if its come from a black listed server, well there is black listed sources for website traffic too. I have a free version in place, but wondering weather its worth upgrading. There are 5 variants i can access. So I may give others ago.
A few of the IP address I pulled from the log were all in China.