Four entries for the price of one .... absolutely splendid ! 1 hidden person, 1 back to a child and and a mistaken OAP ! 
Some really great vehicles on show many belonging to myself with private no.plates with KEV on, the silver older Corvette being my favourite.
Thank goodness for the gazebos, i need to wear a vest top next !!! Corfee flowing thanks Del, mmm corfee and walnut cake, my fave! thanks Trace,.... beer, thanks Jan
Glorious sunshine , FRIENDS what more could you ask for ( and even something rather rude put in my face ) thanks Pete !
Some really great vehicles on show many belonging to myself with private no.plates with KEV on, the silver older Corvette being my favourite.
Thank goodness for the gazebos, i need to wear a vest top next !!! Corfee flowing thanks Del, mmm corfee and walnut cake, my fave! thanks Trace,.... beer, thanks Jan
Glorious sunshine , FRIENDS what more could you ask for ( and even something rather rude put in my face ) thanks Pete !