
That's a spot of luck that the Ford dealer are replacing his last years model car with the current one. If only all dealers were like that, taking you car for a track day catches fire and it and it gets replaces.
That's a bummer all brakes going too due to heat. Good job it was a manual car so he could use gears to slow down. Mind you I wonder how many automatics do track days, a manual transmission is a drivers car and more likely to do track days.
Have to agree, I like the manuals. After my 4th gen T/A was a 6speed, the Corvette being a 6speed, the TATA being an auto was something I didn't enjoy. Loving having a 6speed again.... just wish I had more time to enjoy it!
TATA aren't they cheap middle eastern pick up trucks
I wanna see one of these go around a track.


Could be an interesting truck race with many of them on the track.
That isn't what I was thinking about when Matt said Tata - isn't there a brand called Tata too now?

Don't think I have ever seen one of those without 2000 people hanging from everywhere!
Tata make some nicer looking trucks too.

Trouble is that the guy hit 88 miles ahour and didn't set the flux capacitor!!!! Lol