In a previous thread I was building a shed. Still a little more to do in the shed, like shelves and cupboards. The shed came in very handy for cleaning and painting the car parts.
Well when doing the concrete foundations we had to remove some soil, we still have the soil in a mound in the garden. I've flattened out part of it and planted some bushes. The plan is to make a raised flower bed.
Ordered 10 sleepers, they are 2.4meters long, by about 100x200mm. They arrived yesterday, it was a bit of a surprise and it was craned off the lorry into the front garden, they were going to ring to arrange delivery. So before coming down to club night I have to shift it all into the back garden, when I noticed them sitting in the front garden when I was just about to hop into the trans-am.
Yes I know I need to get the strimmer out, and get rid of the car part boxes in the shed.
The idea is to have two levels, the bottom level is 4.8meters by 2.4meters. The top level is 2.4x2.4meters. It will be far enough away from the shed to have a water-but by the wall. Should look nice when all the flower's are blooming and the bushes are bigger. I chose those particular bushes as blackbirds tend to like them, hawthorns and a variety of other spiky ones.
Also in the delivery was another 100meters to tongue&groove, these are 4.8meters, too long to fit in the shed at present. Well could diagonally, but thats a lot of side force on the shed, I'm sure it could take it, but no point stressing the shed, when I have a kitchen long enough.
With that wood, I plan on making cupboards and shelves etc.. Yes I could have used flat boards, but I quite like the look of planks and will be nice to keep the theme going.
Well when doing the concrete foundations we had to remove some soil, we still have the soil in a mound in the garden. I've flattened out part of it and planted some bushes. The plan is to make a raised flower bed.
Ordered 10 sleepers, they are 2.4meters long, by about 100x200mm. They arrived yesterday, it was a bit of a surprise and it was craned off the lorry into the front garden, they were going to ring to arrange delivery. So before coming down to club night I have to shift it all into the back garden, when I noticed them sitting in the front garden when I was just about to hop into the trans-am.
Yes I know I need to get the strimmer out, and get rid of the car part boxes in the shed.
The idea is to have two levels, the bottom level is 4.8meters by 2.4meters. The top level is 2.4x2.4meters. It will be far enough away from the shed to have a water-but by the wall. Should look nice when all the flower's are blooming and the bushes are bigger. I chose those particular bushes as blackbirds tend to like them, hawthorns and a variety of other spiky ones.
Also in the delivery was another 100meters to tongue&groove, these are 4.8meters, too long to fit in the shed at present. Well could diagonally, but thats a lot of side force on the shed, I'm sure it could take it, but no point stressing the shed, when I have a kitchen long enough.
With that wood, I plan on making cupboards and shelves etc.. Yes I could have used flat boards, but I quite like the look of planks and will be nice to keep the theme going.