You can buy an official Lego Caterham Seven


Well-known member
Written by Ollie Kew

Given the Caterham Seven is one of the world"s best-loved kit cars (we even managed to build our own little three-pot turbo 160 in the office), it"s delightfully appropriate that the world"s leading purveyor in 3D mecha-jigsaws is going to offer a version. Yup, meet the Lego Caterham Seven.There"s a rather charming back story to this, as it happens. A plucky Brit and fiendishly talented Lego builder by the name of Carl Greatrix created this Caterham model via his own imagination and crafty skill with Lego bricks. The realistic-looking model was then submitted to the Lego Ideas forum, where fans can vote for the amateur efforts they"d like to see converted into off-the-shelf, official Lego models.After racking up 10,000 thumbs ups for his Caterham, Carl"s design was forwarded to Lego"s in-house council of power (not its real name, though it must be a pretty fun gig) who approved the Seven for manufacture. How long is it until Christmas again?Hopefully Lego will see sense in Carl"s plan for representations of the R500 superlight and 620R variants, plus the more traditional green"n"yellow Lotus colours. And what about you, TG.commers what"s the next automotive icon you"d lie to see immortalised in plastic bricks that are a pain to tread on in the middle of the night?

Date written: 14 Mar 2016

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