Xmas Toy ( TA project) come early

Collecting all the parts for winter job.
already have new water pump from rockauto big white box in previous photo sometime back. Got the radiator now have the coolant already.
Some service items turned up today

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I had a crack in the windscreen went through insurance and got windscreen replaced. For got to post so here it is. It was a pain with insurance to sort out with their company but it's all sorted. It took the guys about 1.5 hours to change it's a bonded windscreen with tint and ariel built in lucky I some spare window trim clips left over from the respray about 7 years ago. So over winter months I hope to put in new radiators and new water pump my even put in electric fan as well.
well not much been happening to the old girl since having the windscreen done , have all the parts now ready for replacement better pull my finger out soon be start of season, march i think is the 1st event
Yep pull your finger out and get on with it.
Sorry was in Llandudno today no play time today lol.🤣
Dan ask me to post this update. I etched primed and used black heat rated paint on the new radiator ready to be fitted. Going to put in new water pump as well. Could of left it silver alloy but can't have to much bling on the engine bay lol.🤣
Had rockauto delivery today parts for rear brakes plus parts for stock and fuel pump as it was wholesale clear out nice and cheap and a magnet
In its 2nd home lol.🤣 Right pocket rocket tonight really fun to drive
Your fuel stations are like time stood still for 50 years.

Got that message from Dan.

There are a few of these old fuel station pumps around. No AI around these parts even a shop in the snowdonia outskirts still using the wooden draw till now who remembers them? Easier way of life
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Going to do the valve stem seal at some point when I get a spare 5 mins lol.🤣 So brought the seals and tools don't really want to take the heads off. Anybody else done it with out taking heads off?
Going to do the valve stem seal at some point when I get a spare 5 mins lol.🤣 So brought the seals and tools don't really want to take the heads off. Anybody else done it with out taking heads off?
not on a V8 but used to do a few ford pinto's and CVH[? escort].
Going to do the valve stem seal at some point when I get a spare 5 mins lol.🤣 So brought the seals and tools don't really want to take the heads off. Anybody else done it with out taking heads off?
Yes, done it on the TA.

Rotate the engine so the cylinder you want to work on its at the top, just incase the valve drops. Pop it in grear so it cant move, then get a compressor in the srark plug hole. Will has an adapter that was a spark plug thread with a connection to the air hose.
If you dont stop the engine moving then that cylinder will go to the bottom, then if the valve drops there is a good change it wont come back without the heads off.
He can't lock the motor in gear its an auto but i have been told that if you put string in the cylinder and rotate until the engine locks you know the string has a good chance holding the valve in place, obviously make sure its on compression stroke first
could use a socket and ratchet on the front pulley

would need to use a tee bar
I tried the smaller tool 1st with the blue rope trick, the string trick july92rs said about. university of you tube mentioned about rope trick,
the smaller tool would compress the valve spring the distance is compressed it the valve would move up and down me thinking the rope blue wasn't catching the valve i had it on full compression with 1/2inch long reach ratchet with i think it was a 27mm socket with small extession on so didn't want to take the collects out in case the valve did move further so put it all back together and ordered the bigger valve tool that compresses the spring down instead of up , but the car has now been asked to attend two shows should say begging me to take they keep on about it, so until these 2 shows are over it will have to wait, you can use compressed air tool my only concern is if you loose compressed air you would be in a world of pain, say if the air coupling got knocked or had air leak , all my air tools and line are the euro type fixings , i dont have the proper tool so would have to be redneck style lol, crab the compression gauge remove gauge and fit air line coupling and hope it stays plugged in . trying my 2nd 1st at a later date,

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Good luck, you have some good advice there.

As for loosing air pressure, if your piston it at the top, there is going to be little gap between the valve and the piston, so if you do loose air, the valve will drop resting on the piston, you will have plenty of valve stem to grab, to lift it up and restore air pressure.
Put some fuel in car car ready for weekend event the fuel gauge hasn't worked for some time the list of winter jobs is adding up bet it's the fuel sender unit in tank so will have to drop tank great good job I have 2 spare gallons in boot sorry trunk lol.🤣
Used the old girl ( TA) yesterday think I have exhaust gasket leak great another job todo might have to take the head off if the exhaust manifold bolts break . Car got dirty yesterday it's cleaner on the nearside compared offside.