Alton Classic Car Show - Saturday, September 18

Added to Calendar: 18-09-21


Forum Admin
Staff member
Had an email from the organisers.
Further to our correspondence in October last year, I would like to confirm that, Covid recovery permitting, the Alton Classic Car Show will go ahead as planned on Saturday, September 18.
The show will be run by Alton Lions Club (CIO) in partnership with Alton Town Council.
We will be sending out booking information shortly and hope you will join us!

With best wishes

Moira E Baker
Vice President
Alton Lions Club (CIO)
Alton Classic Car Show 2021.

To take place on Saturday, 18 September, in Alton Town Centre, this year's show will be run by Alton Lions Club (CIO) in partnership with Alton Town Council.

If you would like to join us on the day you can book directly online at or return the enclosed booking form to Alton Lions Club (CIO):

* By email -

* By post - Mrs M Baker, 1 Archery Rise, Alton, GU34 1PG


  • The Alton Classic Car Show Booking Form.pdf
    248 KB · Views: 10
I entered online thourgh their website, very quick and easy to use. Saves printing out the form filling out and scanning back in to email or post.
Very impressed with how quick they are. I got my confirmation also.
We are meeting in Wickham square to leave at 8:15am.
I’ve just had my registration details sent through for Alton this morning. Unfortunately I can’t go now as its the first day of my late summer holiday. If anyone can use the registration details then let me know and they can have mine. I registered the Firebus but there are no vehicle details on the registration so it should be reusable but it may be worth checking with the organisers.
Looking forward to this Saturday for the Alton show, leaving Wickham at 8:15am.

I got my number through, it seemed the number was delayed as their email to me kept bouncing back.
Message from the organisers
Good evening Classic Vehicle Owner
Just to alert you to the fact that there are road works at the junction of High Street with Butts Road/Draymans Way at the M&S end of town.
There are traffic lights controlling the flow of traffic into the High Street which may cause a bit of a delay, so please be patient.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
With best wishes
Great day out, nice to catch up with people again.