American speedfest Brandshatch

I have entered, but not heard anything back yet.

We dont have a club stand as there would only be a couple of us there, at most. But we will probably meeting up at the services on M25 like last year. As soon as I know more, I'll post.
I'm all booked in to be honest the spaces for this were sorted before xmas I've seen posts on mocgb on people now being turned away as full but I could be wrong !
Sorry only just seen this I'm in the process of moving to Wales so speedfest will be a weekender for me traveling down from Wales.but there will be so guys on here and on the mocgb that are local that I'm sure will sort a meeting point before the show
We also received an email to say that we were in with the 53 Belair. Not been to this before so really looking forward to it.
Some of us are staying at the premier inn dartford for this show so if any of you fancys or is looking for somewhere to stay or meet up this could be the place
Going - will be on the UK Cobra Club pitch but would be good to convoy up to Brands if anyone else is going
any more info on cobra ?

    Not going this year car was refused got to say it has left a bit of a sour taste.

Sorry to here that if they keep doing this less people will attend very good event if weather is good . any reasom why it was refused.
Not really here is the email I got

Good afternoon David

Thank you for your email and interest in American Speedfest V.

American Speedfest has proved to be a very popular event amongst American car owners and has grown in popularity considerably over the last 4 years. The display is therefore unfortunately now oversubscribed every year.

This year, to ensure we have the best display possible we have taken the decision to review each individual entry very carefully and place a strict limit of entry numbers on each display area .

This has been done not only due to the space available for displays throughout the venue but also to ensure that we have a large variety of American cars within the display that showcases as many different American manufacturers as possible.

Unfortunately, due to the high volume of entries we receive we are unable to accept everyone into the display and I am sorry to say that on this occasion you have not been successful in being accepted into this year’s display.

Kind regards

The American Speedfest Team
If i got right chap ?( were we both there 2 years ago ? ) you didn't buy enough nascar memerblia lol, they had a lot of space otherside of track when we were there yes it's growing understand that. shame they didn't except you try again next year mybe as a club ????
From what I have seen your Camaro is very presentable and show worthy, so I wouldn't take this personally.
If space is at a premium, then perhaps they are trying to choose cars that are less well known.
Let's face it , Firebirds, Camaros, Mustangs and Corvettes are the best known and most recognised American cars outside the US. Perhaps they are trying to showcase the more unique cars? Just a thought....
I think what has upset me with it is the fact they are using a pic on facebook which has got our cars in it on the track and now they are still calling for cars.
Mybe worth contacting sasha and asking? you might get lucky?

any more info on cobra ?

It's a DAX Cobra built in 2013 (not by me) using a 1990 Jaguuar XJ40 donor (although that probably accounts for about 5% of the car!!). DAX de dion suspension with coilovers all round keep it pretty well planted round the bends...not usually a Cobra strongpoint :nod:

Powered by a small block 350 chevy stroked out to 383.
Moderate road cam that's more about torque than BHP (BHP sells cars - Torque wins races....Carrol Shelby)
Holley 670 Street Avenger, Mallory electronic dizzy + Streetfire ignition.
Tremec 5speed manual box. Also contains poncy stuff like power brakes, powersteering and a heater :shocked:
Also fitted a PCV system last yearto save the planet.....picture here + plus lots of other automotive eye candy Customer’s Rides – M/E Wagner Performance Product

Dyno'd last year with mildly disappointing results (aren't they always?)
306.5 BHP at 4650rpm
418 ft lb at 2400-2800 rpm

Since then I've changed the exhaust inner pipes from 2" to 3", doubling the throughput, changed the airfilter to a more freeflowing one and tweaked the mixture - back to the Dyno soon for more disappointment maybe
MOT due next week following a winter of SORN and she''ll be back on the road 1st April Hurray!!